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 Discovery-journey of the Marrano Jews
Portugal 2019
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An 8 day journey following the Marranos

Portugal, the most western country on the European continent. A country that was off the radar for the modern traveler is now back in full force. A land that once was considered as the “princes of the seas” and shared the new world with Spain, is returning as an extraordinary tourist attraction where old meets new, Classic siding Technology. For those whom are a part of the Jewish nation, the discovery of Portugal as a tourist attraction is another step in uncovering Jewish history. The tradition-rich Jewish heritage of over 500 years have been preserved by the “practicing-Judaism-in-secret” Marrano Jews whom lately are returning to Judaism. We will meet this relic culture, visit remarkable palaces and ancient fortresses. We will parade the markets and sight see some of the best views that Portugal has to offer. Looking forward to having you join us on this remarkable journey.

For more details, prices and to download the full itinerary - click here
Tour Guided by: Meir Schewartz, Eli Barnea & Asher Krimolovsky

Departure: June 19, 2019     
Return: June 26, 2019          

עציון תיירות ונופש
- תרבות נופש ואירועים לציבור הדתי והמסורתי

היובל 9, רעננה


טלפון: 09-771-1711

פקס: 09-774-2508

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